
Taking Care Of Newborn Baby

Taking Care Of Newborn Baby

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Many newlywed mothers do not know the way to properly take care of their first child, because they are not acquainted with sufficient information about the infant’s growth, the way to care of him, feed him, and help him sleep.

Below are a few of tips that should be followed to take care of newborns:


Breastfeeding is one amongst the important food sources for the baby, which helps to supply him with all the vitamins and minerals necessary for his health. In addition to feeling the baby with love, tenderness, and warmth. And this can make him feel safe.


It is important to stick to the scheduled vaccinations regularly, and to not neglect any vaccination in order to preserve the health of the newborn, and of course to take the vaccinations on time. These vaccinations protect him from exposure to various diseases.

Taking a shower

A newborn baby is not recommended to be bathed within the first two days of birth. Because the baby’s body is covered with a greasy substance that helps protect the skin from germs. And when bathing, you must use a medical soap intended for babies and water only. With that being said, the shower should be done quickly so that the newborn does not catch colds.

Baby Sleep

Parents must make sure that the baby gets the rest he needs in order to grow properly, as some newborns sleep irregularly within the first few weeks. He sleeps for long periods of the day and fewer periods during the night, and sometimes it may be the opposite. During the early stage, a newborn baby sleeps for 16 hours a day. He sleeps for two to three hours, then he wakes up to eat. When he reaches puberty from the age of three months, he can sleep 6-8 hours continuously. Also, parents should take into consideration the baby sleeping on his back to reduce the risk of sudden death syndrome for the infant.

Understand Baby Crying

Most of the mothers suffer from the constant crying of their newborn baby and do not know the real reason for this crying, or even how to deal with it especially during the first year of motherhood. There are many reasons for the infant’s constant crying and here are some of them:

  • Baby is hungry
  • Baby feeling tired.
  • Baby has colic.
  • Baby needs a diaper change.
  • The baby’s need for cuddling and physical contact.
  • Baby feeling hot or cold.


Feeding the baby

A newborn baby must be fed whenever he feels hungry, whether he is dependent on breastfeeding or artificial feeding. The baby will show symptoms of being hungry, like; Crying, or putting his fingers in his mouth, or making some noises. Usually, the baby needs to be fed every two to three hours. In the case of breastfeeding, it is preferable to breastfeed the child for a period of 10-15 minutes from each breast. But in the case of artificial feeding, one feeding session may require the equivalent of 60-90 ml of milk.


An important thing to take care of for the newborn baby is hygiene. Thus, the diapers should be changed at intervals during the day to avoid infections, ulcers, and redness that affects the child’s skin with the use of one of the types of medicinal creams that must be supervised by a doctor. New Baby Smell site provides you with tips to do it easily. Also, anyone who is taking care of the baby should wash hands before touch, holding, and feeding him.


Care must be taken to warm the child well, especially during the first few weeks. Taking care not to wrap him with uncomfortable things so that he can move his limbs smoothly.

Establish Rules for Visiting

Friends and loved ones might visit you to bless the new baby, let them know the appropriate day and time to do it. Insist that visitors wash their hands before carrying the baby and ask anyone who is sick to stay home. Also, don’t be afraid to take a break during social blessings, and let trusted visitors look after the baby when you need a little extra rest.

Choose comfortable clothes for the child

Comfortable baby clothes help him move his body freely. Also, the clothes must be comfortable and made of cotton to protect the child’s skin. It’s recommended to avoid choosing woolen clothes, as it causes skin sensitivity.


Take Care of Yourself

Resist the urge to use caffeine as a staple in your diet or as a substitute for sleep. Instead, eat healthy food, drink a good amount of water and get some fresh air. Go to bed when the baby sleeps – Set nighttime appointments with the husband so that both of you are comfortable and take care of the child together. Also do not forget to do something you enjoy every day, whether with the baby or alone, as good habits help you preserve the energy you need to take care of the child.

Accept Help

When friends and close people offer to help, accept it. Suggest carrying the baby, folding clean clothes or doing some tasks, whatever your need, this will help you the most. Especially during the early stage.

Other Tips For Taking Care of a Newborn Baby:

  • Supporting the baby’s head and neck when holding him
  • Avoid shaking the baby in any way, and avoid playing with him in a tough way
  • Know when to seek help: if you see yourself depressed consult a professional.
  • Stay steady: the days after the first birth won’t last long. Step back and appreciate the moment, even during chaos

By the time your baby turns three months old, his brain development is 85% complete. And every experience he lives until he reaches this age helps shape his brain. All of the frequent, continuous, beneficial and predictable multisensory experiences may help your baby in his healthy development

So you should not worry too much if you are doing things the “right way”. The most important thing is that you spend a lot of time with your little one to stimulate his senses of touch and smell. This helps bond you better while the child enjoys healthy development


Dema JS is the founder of newbabysmell.com and a mother of two little kids. Dema had her MBA from St. John’s university- NYC in dual concentrations: Executive Management and Marketing Management.

Please email dema@newbabysmell.com or go to newbabysmell.com to contact Dema.