
Why do you need a neonatologist for your baby?

Why do you need a neonatologist for your baby?

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The birth of a baby is the most wondrous, glorious miracle of nature that mankind gets to witness. It is then necessary to emphasize the importance of the well-being of a fragile little newborn who, for the first time, has opened his eyes to this harsh world. That is why a neonatologist, a specially trained newborn pediatrician in the care of newborns, is always present for the first 15 minutes of a newborn’s life.

A neonatal pediatrician needs to be present when the newborn is welcomed into this world. The pediatrician performs a thorough physical examination on the baby and if needed, performs other procedures necessary for his well-being. A fitness exam according to Apgar score is performed by the newborn pediatrician right after the newborn’s birth which consists of the following steps;

  • Measuring weight, length, and head circumference of newborn
  • Recording newborn’s temperature and looking for irregularities
  • Measuring baby’s breathing and heart rate
  • Watching skin color and the newborn’s spontaneous activity
  • Administering eye drops to prevent eye infection along with a Vit K injection

These steps ensure that the newborn is well and to identify and record any irregularities or health problems early on and address them to prevent future complications.

The first record of the newborn is logged at the time of his birth, which will make his future regular checkups easier. These visits, which are planned and discussed with the new parents, ensure that the health of the newborn is maintained according to the best guidelines upheld by WHO. Vaccination is given according to schedule, and problems encountered by the mother regarding the newborn, ranging from breastfeeding to occasional episodes of diarrhea, to more serious health issues, are addressed during these visits.

Recommends routine baby checkups, especially in the first year, starting at birth, again during the first week, and then every month until 6 months.

According to Dr. Olfa, a neonatologist in Dubai, these visits are scheduled frequently to help her identify and evaluate any problems so that treatment can begin as early as possible for the best outcomes. In addition to promoting disease prevention at an early stage, a newborn care visit provides a valuable opportunity for Dr.Olfa to address any questions, reassure, and educate the parents regarding the handling of the newborn to prevent unintentional injuries that can pose high risks to the baby’s wellbeing.

Scheduling your newborn’s care visits is the best way to help your child get the best care. You shouldn’t wait until your baby is sick to visit your pediatrician, regular checkups by a neonatologist is the first step to keep your newborn healthy.